The GIZ Program for “Sustainable Economic and Regional Development, Employment Promotion and Vocational Education and Training” in Albania (GIZ ProSEED), implemented on behalf of the German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development, under the component of Technical Vocational Education & Training (VET), will cooperate with private vocational training providers in the country with the aim to scale-up VET interventions, complementary to the courses offered by public VET providers.
In this respect, the programme is conducting a Call for (i) Expressions of Interest and (ii) Proposals from 23 July – 20 August 2018, which shall help to identify private training providers that offer Vocational Training (VT) in line with the requirements below:
- Under each contract, the private training providers, will offer several training courses. The training duration of each course per batch should be at least 1 month.
- The training courses under each contract should target altogether 50-150 young people (19-34 years) in total. 40% of the participants are to be female and 30% are to be returning migrants from EU Member States.
- The courses should reflect the following prioritized sectors: ICT, tourism, agro-processing, textile & footwear and innovative/creative crafts; but are not necessarily limited to these sectors, if justified based on local labour market needs and employment prospects.
- The courses should be demand-driven and include work-based learning based on local labour market needs and eventually aim at employment.
- The proposals should reflect and include information on job placement mechanisms to guarantee employment of minimum 50% of the participants.
- There is no limitation in terms of geographical location, though priority will be given to (rural) locations where public/private vocational training is non-existent or very limited.
- The overall implementation timeframe for the interventions is up to 9 months.
The proposals that are to be selected through this call shall receive financial support ranging between 30,000 – 50,000 EURO (equivalent in ALL). The number of contracts is flexible until the overall programme budget of EUR 400,000 assigned for this activity is allocated.
Selection Procedure:
First step: All (i) Expressions of Interest and (ii) Proposals received by applicants will be evaluated based on the eligibility and technical criteria described in the evaluation grid.
Second Step: The potentially qualified candidates will be invited for interviews and required to submit a budget proposal.
Third Step: Contracts will be awarded to the companies with best technical and financial offer.
Please, send an email to [email protected], to receive the Proposals format and the Evaluation Grid.
For further questions contact us via email to [email protected] during the period 23 July – 20 August 2018.